Who’s in Charge Here?

Dan Kunz

One of my favorite old movies is Silver Streak, starring Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor, and Scatman Crothers. It is a murder mystery/comedy set on a speeding train crossing the country. During one chaotic scene, Scatman Crothers, a porter on the train, shouts out, “Who’s in charge here?” Obviously, no one was in charge at that point.

Now, I have a confession to make – I’m a control freak. It’s not always intentional, but I seem to have a subconscious desire to be in charge. I’m not sure why, but maybe, being the youngest in our family, I spent a lot of time not being in charge. Over the years, I’ve been a teacher, a coach, the president of several organizations, the executive director of a charitable foundation and lots of other roles where I’ve been in charge. I like the control. I like doing things my way. Sometimes the results are good, sometimes not so much.
I suspect that many people, maybe most people, are like that to some degree.

Our society certainly urges everyone to take control, to steer their own ship, to be true to themselves. It is said that the average person makes thirty thousand choices a day, all the way from choosing whether or not to get out of bed in the morning to choosing what to have for dinner. Although we do make a lot of choices every day, as Christians, we know we are not, ultimately, the ones in charge. Our good and gracious Heavenly Father allows us to be stewards of many things in our lives, but the control is really in his hands.

The current pandemic underlines how small, insignificant, and helpless we are. We can shelter in place, maintain social distance, and wear a protective mask, but those practices don’t guarantee our safety. That fact is terrifying to some. For you and me it’s not. The God who created the entire universe, who reminds your heart to beat 115,000 times every day, and who has your name written in the palm of his hand, knows exactly what’s best for you. He will move heaven and earth to do just that.

Romans 8:32 “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?”

Once we realize and embrace God’s control and proclaim to all that God is in charge here, the peace, comfort, and security we so desperately need, will be ours. The Gospel singer, DeWayne Woods, sings, “As soon as I stop worrying, worrying how the story ends, I let go and let God.”

What a great motto for all of us, now and always!


Simple Blessings


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