Look carefully

Linda Buxa

I was in the garage attic bringing down sleds and shovels for the impending winter when I took a wrong step. A very wrong step.

I missed the beam and stepped right through the insulation and Sheetrock. I started falling to the floor below. Suddenly, I jolted to a stop; my right arm was stuck in a truss, and I was hanging by one arm while my feet dangled below. Thankfully, the pull-down ladder was right next to my feet, and I was able to crawl out. Over a year later, even though I still have some muscle damage, I’m grateful I didn’t fall to the floor and shatter bones—or worse.

What happened in seconds has given me a graphic visual for Ephesians 5:15,16: “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil” (ESV).

Christians, look carefully then how you walk through this life. Careless financial decisions leave you bankrupt. Poor relationship choices fill you with regret. Reckless words result in deep wounds. Abuse—whether substance, physical, or emotional—results in generations of baggage.

Look carefully, then. Be wise. Make the best use of your time. This is not your time of folly. This is your time of grace. It starts now.

(Just a reminder that if you’ve been living as the unwise, Jesus has forgiveness for you. His mercies are new every morning. Thanks to the cross, you don’t have to carry guilt or shame. It is finished!)

Devotional used by permission of Time of Grace®. For more information, visit timeofgrace.org

Daniel Kunz